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Content:State of Battery Recycling
Time:15/12/2022 20:30 – 21:30
Location: Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 861 4368 9067
Passcode: 390594
Athan Fox
CEO of Ever Resource Ltd
Qingshan, Zhang
Senior Software Engineer of Google

This event will understand the successful cases of lead-acid battery recycling and the recycling status of lithium batteries, and whether the recycling concept of lead-acid batteries can be used to optimize the recycling of lithium batteries
The lithium battery market is growing fast due to the adoption of electric vehicle technology. Significant interest in now shifting towards the recycling of these batteries.
What will it take for lithium-ion battery recyclers to achieve highly efficient, low-carbon recycling?Lessons can be learned from the classic lead-acid battery and its recycling infrastructure:The lead-acid battery is the most successfully recycled commodity item – despite being invented in the 1850s, long before anyone talked about global warming, recycling and the circular economy.
In this presentation we will look at the success story of lead-acid battery recycling; the reasons this industry is polluting despite its impressive recycling rates; and we ask “what will it take for lithium battery recycling to emulate this success?”
Dr Fox and his partners have produced a White Paper (Criticality and recycling of lithium-ion batteries – Putting the debate on a broader footing), free download from :
Dr Fox is CEO of Ever Resource Ltd and is a PhD graduate in Chemistry from the University of Cambridge. He develops and commercialises technology to address the world’s challenges in sustainability, recycling and the circular economy. Dr Fox’s “state of battery recycling” presentation was presented by invitation at a Royal Society of Chemistry Annual General Meeting on 27 September 2022.

Zhang Qingshan, graduated from the University of Southampton with a major in artificial intelligence, is a senior software engineer and currently works for Google. She serves as a member of the UKCWC committee and is responsible for the maintenance and development of the website. She loves all topics of science and technology and humanities, like all philosophical and speculative discussions.